
时间:2024-10-12 17:25:01 来源:网友投稿


Its no surprise that starting a business is challenging. It seems the odds are stacked completely against1 entrepreneurs—9 out of 10 startups will fail and, even if you succeed, theres only about a 1% chance of becoming a unicorn.


Despite the struggles of starting a business, it is also one of the most rewarding experiences. Over the past decade, Ive learned quite a bit about what it takes to not only start a company but see it succeed. Here are my ten most important lessons.


Surround yourself with experts


No one person is good at everything and, oftentimes, trying to take on all of the work yourself results in failure. By hiring a team of experts in their respective industries, you have myriad perspectives and a wealth of knowledge that can help you better understand the needs of customers and, ultimately, create the best product possible.


Find a good co-founder mix


As someone with a strong personality, I find that its incredibly important to have co-founders who challenge each other, push boundaries and also make sure goals stay on track. My co-founders and I push each other to get things done more productively while also ensuring nobody is flying off the handle2.


Each of us brings different expertise to the table3, which is critical when creating a company, as it allows us to each focus on what we know best while also building a comprehensive organization.


Care about more than your role


Whether youre an accounting manager or a CFO, you have to care about more than your role. For example, an engineer should care about more than just the computer science aspect—they should also want to give input on user experience or design. This helps build a holistic team that is always involved and looking out for each other.


Have a big goal from Day One


When I founded my company, I made it very clear from the beginning what our goals were and what we wanted to achieve. Having one big goal—for us it was to be a venture-backed company—made sure that we were aligned internally and helped us recruit people who shared a similar vision.


Transparency is key


Before we started our company, I was a senior accountant doing all the mundane tasks. While not my favorite role on my resume, it gave me great insight for when I transitioned into a leadership position because I had an understanding of what constitutes good company culture. Ive found that its important to strive for a culture of transparency—making what were doing clear and why were doing it even clearer helps employees understand the bigger mission.


In fact, according to BetterUp4, when employees perceive transparent communication at work, theyre more engaged and boast 12 times greater job satisfaction compared to employees who believe that their organization isnt transparent.


Give people a purpose


In addition to transparency, its also incredibly important to build a company where people feel a purpose in their work. When employees have a sense of place and know why theyre at this company, theyre more likely to be happy, well-balanced and productive.


Be competitive


I always find myself most fired up5 when talking about the market and competition. We work in an inherently6 competitive capitalist society but thats whats fun about starting and growing a company.


Its critical that you are competitive as a team. A companys ability to win a deal is the full output of everyones work. If everyone collaborates, youll blow the competition away7. If you compete against each other, you wont have a seamless work environment and you can kiss those deals goodbye.


Dont skimp8 on customer service


Customer service is critical to a companys success. A recent report found that 89% of companies with “significantly above average” customer experiences perform better financially than their competitors.


However, primarily due to a tumultuous economy, were seeing many SaaS companies cut their customer success9 and service teams in favor of low-code and self-maintenance powered products. While this makes sense to a certain extent, eventually, products like this dont scale well.


Customer service is integral to a successful and scalable10 company. Funding customer service heavily has allowed us to be incredibly hands-on11, which, in turn, promotes customer satisfaction and can bring about repeat buyers.


Marketing is an underrated tool


Earlier in my career as a CEO, I did not see marketing as an integral aspect of a successful company, but its because I didnt understand its purpose.


However, as soon as we had our first marketer come on, everything improved. I didnt have to spend time doing something Im not good at. It helped us develop more accurate and powerful messaging while also ensuring it was delivered to the right people.


Tech can be your biggest supporter


Technology is an incredibly useful tool to support employees. It is an immediate remedy, able to support short-staffed teams, automate tedious tasks, reduce burnout and give employees back the time they need to focus on more critical and strategic tasks.


Building a startup is a journey unlike any other


Creating a startup isnt for everyone. If you dont have total conviction in the problem youre looking to solve while understanding the impact solving those problems will have on the intended audience, you wont succeed. But if you do have that faith, youll learn more than you ever thought possible.



1 the odds are stacked against 形势对……不利。

2 fly off the handle大发雷霆。  3 bring sth to the party/table为(讨论、项目等)作出贡献。

4美国一家提供职业发展辅导的初创公司。  5 fire sb up使充满激情。

6 inherently固有地,本质上地。  7 blow sb/sth away(尤指在体育比赛中)彻底战胜。  8 skimp节约;
吝啬。  9 customer success客户成功,指确保客户在使用产品或服务时达到预期结果的业务方法。  10 scalable(商务或系统)可扩增的。  11 hands-on亲身实践的。

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