
时间:2024-10-13 16:00:05 来源:网友投稿


Once upon a time, there was a small llama. Her name was Emma. Emma was verynaughty2 and never listened to her mother. They lived on a high mountain by theriver. Every year in winter, snow fell on their house. Emma loved to play in the snow.


Once in winter, it snowed very heavily. The water in river turned into ice.Emma wanted do go for skating on the ice. Her mother told her not to do so, sinceshe was afraid that Emma might fall into the cold water if the ice broke


That night there was a party in their house. Mother Llama was making somedelicious food to the guests. She had a plate full of pies. Then she remembered howmuch Emma loved the pies. She started looking for Emma in the house, but Emmawas not there! Naughty Emma had quietly slipped3 out of the house to skate on theicy river, thinking that her mother wouldnt know.


Alas! The ice broke and Emma fell into the coldriver.“Help! Help! ”she shouted, but there was no onearound to help her. When mother Llama did not findEmma in the house, she got worried. The guests helpedher look for Emma. The blue bird and the owl4 flew out,and saw Emma in the river. The otters5 ran to save Emma from the water.


Emma was all wet and shivering6 with cold. Mother Llama covered7 her in athick blanket and called the doctor. Doctor Duck came with his medicines8 andchecked Emma. He told Mother Llama not to worry. He said, “Give Emma thesemedicines two times, and some fruit and tea. I will make her feel better in no time.”Mother Llama thanked Doctor Duck, and left Emma to rest.


But naughty Emma wouldnt listen! She knew there were pies in the kitchen andshe wanted to eat them all. Just when she was about to get down from her bed, she had afunny fall. The guests saw her and started laughing! Little Emma was very embarrassed9.She promised10 to listen to her mother always from then on.


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